SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | State of the Mobile web
Opera Software: State of the Mobile web
Külföld | 2011-06-29 | Opera Software
In this State of the Mobile Web report we take a closer look at the booming mobile web traffic in India and how the Indian people choose to participate on the Web. We see Indians actively using the social possibilities of the Web, Facebook being one of the climbers, and using online video. India also stands out as a country where a large proportion of the mobile web traffic is related to shopping and online classified, according to data from AdMarvel. AdMarvel, an Opera Software subsidiary, analyzes web traffic and distributes targeted ads on the Web. "We see India standing tall as a country in rapid development, with Internet-based knowledge at the forefront of that growth," said Jon von Tetzchner, Co-founder of Opera Software. "Furthermore, the mobile Web in India has evolved as an important place to do business, as the proportion of people going shopping on the mobile shows." Fast facts about the mobile Web in India:
Fast facts about the growth world wide for the mobile web:
In the regional section of the State of the Mobile Web report, the focus is on Latin America, where the growth is strong:
While Orkut is declining in India, and Facebook taking over, it remains strong in Brazil.
Internet |
Légi ipar |
Gazdasági Jog |
Karrier |
Gyógyszeripar |
Hirdető/márka |
Ügynökség |
Kutatás |
Mobil |
E-biznisz |
Kereskedelem |
Logisztika |
DM/Promóció |
Design |
Rendezvény |
Felelősség |
PR |
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Kultúra |
Oktatás |
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Üzlet |
Környezet |
Támogatás |
Digitalizáció |
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Technológia |
Statisztika |
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Élelmiszeripar |
Mezőgazdaság |
Ingatlan |
Egyéb |
Outdoor/indoor |
Idegenforgalom |
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Média |
Járműipar |
Tőzsde |
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