SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Rapidly growing IT company decided to move to Madarasz Office Park

Liferay: Rapidly growing IT company decided to move to Madarasz Office Park
Budapest | 2013-04-23 09:33 | OGH - Esemény Menedzser

The increasing number of their staff in Budapest led Liferay Hungary (part of Liferay Inc.) to decide to move to an 'A' category office building in Q1 2013 were the possibility is given for future expansion.

The increasing number of their staff in Budapest led Liferay Hungary (part of Liferay Inc.) to decide to move to an 'A' category office building in Q1 2013 were the possibility is given for future expansion - informed the OGH News Agency Miklós Ecsődi, senior associate at Colliers International, who represented the tenant in the transaction.

Liferay Inc. was founded in 2004 in response to growing demand for Liferay Portal, the market's leading independent portal services group that provides training, consulting and enterprise support services to their clientele in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. It also houses a core development team that steers product development.

Liferay Hungary is a rapidly growing affiliate company delivering open source enterprise solutions for portals, publishing, content and collaboration in Hungary. "Thanks to the new location and environment in Madarasz Office Park the needs of the employees can be satisfied in a modern 'A' category office area of 634 sqm" - Miklós Ecsődi reported.


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