SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | “Futótárs” application to Telekom Vivicittá and community garde...
futótárs | telekom vivicittá | magyar telekom | application | community garden | three schools | bsi | telekom vivicittá pro city run
Magyar Telekom: “Futótárs” application to Telekom Vivicittá and community garden to three schools – from Magyar Telekom
Budapest | 2013-04-19 15:40 | Magyar Telekom
BSI organises the 28th Telekom Vivicittá Pro City Run in Budapest on April 21. The mass event honouring the city offers an excellent scene the symbolic award ceremony of the elementary school community garden competition, also bearing the support of the Sustainability Media Club. The Budapest Telekom Vivicittá run starts at the usual location, from Margaret Island on April 21. Half Marathon (21 km) starts at 9.30 a.m., the 10 km Vivicittá starts at 12.30 p.m., followed by the 7 km Midicitta, the 800 meter Family Run, the 3.2 km Minicitta and the walk. Depending on physical fitness, preparation, stamina and enthusiasm everyone will find the appropriate challenge, hence the program is continuously highly popular. The run is organised in Pécs and Szolnok on April 27th and 28th, the roughly 3 km track line leads through the most traditional streets of both cities. This year's technological novelty for runners: Telekom has developed a smart phone application in Hungarian language. "Futótárs" is the free and official smart phone application of the 28th Telekom Vivicittá Run for the City, which helps with preparations for the running contest for the city - an event starting the spring - and remains a virtual trainer for all other running workouts. While running, the application gives voice commands and information. In addition to weather forecasts, the application also creates statistics about the results of the workouts, on your physical fitness, which you can share on community websites. The application provides detailed information on the Telekom Vivicittá Run for the City, the conditions of enrollment, furthermore, positioning enables the monitoring of the position of the user on the map while running. Reminders may be assigned to the time of the start of the individual runs, to make sure that you will not miss the start. After the runs you can immediately look up the results, and you can share your performance with your friends on the community websites. The application is available in English and Hungarian languages. At present the application may be installed on telephones with Android operating system, in the future iOS access is expected as well. The Vivicittá Pro City Run was initiated in 1984 in Italy: they intended to raise awareness of the values of beautiful but overly congested historic cities among city dwellers. Hence the name: "Vivicittá - Long Live the City! Love the City!" Building upon this message Telekom announced a competition in the frame of the hello holnap! program, awarding the winning elementary schools community gardens. Telekom offered participating schools also participating at the Vivicittá run to create community gardens, with the objective of children identifying with the self-supporting and sustainable approach by taking care of the gardens, using them under real life circumstances, and occasionally by having class exercises there. Winners will be chosen by Telekom and the jury board of the Sustainability Media Club jointly with the Contemporary Architecture Centre (assigned to establish the gardens). The award ceremony takes place on April 21 at 3 p.m., simultaneously with announcing the Vivicittá school results. The awards - the community gardens, symbolically - will be handed over to three elementary schools by Iván Rózsa, communication director of the company. The Sustainability Media Club is the community of media, editors, journalists and other media actors spearheading social responsibility. Dozens of them will take part at the race in different distances, honouring the city - and contribute to building elementary school community gardens by adding a symbolic plant after each kilometer they run. Magyar Telekom - as the leading info-communication service provider of Hungary - is committed to healthy and sustainable urban lifestyle. The donation practices of the company is routed in the firm belief that the majority of society can be best reached and mobilised by setting examples, contributing to leading better and more complete lives.
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