SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Axel Springer Plug and Play concludes co-operation agreement with Betahaus ...
axel springer plug and play | cooperation agreement | betahaus berlin | countdown | application | network
Axel Springer: Axel Springer Plug and Play concludes co-operation agreement with Betahaus Berlin
Külföld | 2013-04-15 11:14 | Axel Springer
The countdown has started: Applications for the first Axel Springer Plug and Play accelerator program can submitted until April 19, 2013. In the meantime, Axel Springer Plug and Play is continuing to network with the digital scene, among other things through a co-operation agreement with the "Betahaus Berlin" start-up center. This offers founders working space for professional co-operation, a creative exchange of views, and organizes events for the digital scene. The accelerator program participants gain access to the "Betahaus" events. In addition to this, following the intensive three-month support they can use the "Betahaus Berlin" workrooms free of charge for a further month. A participating start-up can also qualify for the global competition among all six "Betahaus" start-up centers, the "betapitch global", on 6 July 2013 in Berlin. During the program, the start-ups supported by Axel Springer Plug and Play will move into accelerator's premises in Berlin's Markgrafenstraße. The area has been designed by the artist Clemens von Wedel who, as "artist in residence", has his temporary studio there. Other entrepreneurs moving in include Nikolas Woischnik, founder of "Tech Open Air Berlin" and "Ahoy Berlin", as well as Milo Yiannopoulos, founder and former editor-in-chief of "The Kernel". Axel Springer Plug and Play targets international founders with digital and innovative business concepts which have high market potential and are technologically pioneering. Axel Springer and Plug and Play Tech Center, a leading startup investor and accelerator based in Silicon Valley, have teamed up for the program. The three-month support program includes intensive coaching by mentors experienced in the foundation of companies, in-depth workshops, access to an international network of partners and seed investment usually totaling 25,000 euros. Particularly innovative start-ups will additionally be given the opportunity to extend the program at the Plug and Play Tech Center in Silicon Valley. The support program concludes with a "Demo Day", in which all of the teams present themselves to a selected audience of international investors for follow-up financing. Axel Springer Plug and Play normally receives a five percent stake in the company for its support. ![]() ![]()
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