SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Control room provided by Cassidian certified for the German BOS digital rad...
cassidian | rcs 9500 | german federal agency for digital radio of security aughorities | german | ip | internet protocol
Cassidian: Control room provided by Cassidian certified for the German BOS digital radio network
Külföld | 2013-03-25 15:23 | Cassidian
Cassidian's concentrator solution and control room workstation belonging to the RCS 9500 product family have passed all interoperability tests with flying colours. Cassidian's concentrator solution and control room workstation belonging to the RCS 9500 product family have passed all interoperability tests with flying colours and have both been certified by the German Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organisations. This means that they can now also be operated within the digital radio network of German security authorities and organisations. The RCS 9500 concentrator solution offers an IP (Internet Protocol) connection and processes encrypted communication at a central location, i.e. the concentrator. In doing so, one RCS 9500 concentrator solution can be used in parallel by several control rooms, thus conserving resources. Additionally, it has an open software interface to the digital connector, which enables control rooms and radio workstations from several providers to be connected, thus facilitating interaction between control rooms in the BOS digital radio network. Thanks to the RCS 9500 workstation, a successor product to the DWS-C (Dispatcher Workstation Communication) is now available that also offers end-to-end encryption right up to the workstation in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). In particular, Cassidian's new solution can be adapted and scaled to the requirements of the various users: from singular RCS 9500 end devices and individual workstations that are networked, to complex, networked control rooms. "With a digital connector, the BOS user organisation can avoid unnecessary costs for various technologies for connecting to the BOS digital radio. Control rooms from different providers can thus be connected more economically to the network," emphasises Markus Kolland, Head of Cassidian Communications GmbH. "The functionality of Cassidian's digital connector interface has been adapted to the latest IP-based control room systems, thus optimising the time and effort required for implementation and enabling the control rooms to operate more quickly on the BOS digital radio. Furthermore, using our concentrator reduces the time and effort required to certify both first installations and changes to the workstations that are connected." The certification of BOS end devices is granted on the basis of interoperability tests carried out on special test platforms. In order for the BOS digital radio to function, it is essential that all end devices intended for use interact with all other network components in a trouble-free manner, and that these devices fulfil specifically defined performance features. The conditions for certification are therefore strongly oriented toward compliance with technology requirements, conformity with technical norms and interoperability.
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