SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | New director to bolster PwC Hungary’s financial sector advisory pract...
pwc hungary | new director | financial sector | jános kókai | director | advisory group | service | firm | ness hungary kft
PwC Magyarország: New director to bolster PwC Hungary’s financial sector advisory practice
Országos | 2013-03-19 15:08 | PwC Magyarország
PwC Hungary has appointed János Kókai as a director in its advisory group specializing in providing services for the financial sector. He joined the firm on 1 March 2013. Drawing on his experience in the information technology and financial services industries, Mr. Kókai will focus on expanding PwC Hungary's consulting services for financial institutions. Before joining PwC, he worked at Ness Hungary Kft. as a senior consultant and head of business development responsible for managing the company's financial services portfolio, and in the past two years as head of the financial sector division. He has extensive experience in optimising banking processes, sales support, designing front-end and core systems, and implementing SAP-based solutions. Mr. Kókai also has a background in commercial banking: he previously worked at one of Hungary's largest financial institutions as a business analyst and head of the IT banking systems department. His specialist areas included finance and accounting, and credit risk management.
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