SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Imre Mártha is appointed Invitel Chief Operative Director
imre mártha | invitel | chief operative director | position | wholesale and corporate unit | imre | impressive carrier
Invitel Zrt.: Imre Mártha is appointed Invitel Chief Operative Director
Országos | 2013-03-17 11:21 | Sawyer Miller Group
Invitel has appointed Imre Mártha to the position of Chief Operative Director mainly responsible for the Wholesale and Corporate unit, effective from the 18th of March, 2013. "Imre has had an impressive career in Hungarian business. He brings the fresh perspective of someone from outside of our industry, while also possessing an in-depth knowledge of the Hungarian business community and its business needs. He is an accomplished manager, and I know he will bring a great deal of energy to addressing the challenges and opportunities Invitel faces in being a first-rate multi-service provider to Hungarian businesses of all sizes" - said David McGowan, CEO of the company. "I consider it to be a great challenge that I can put to use the experience I gained in the energy industry in the telecommunications sector and the technology markets connected to it. I expect that in the Hungarian telecommunication segment competition and the complexity of services can be increased further, offering significant benefits to customers. My special focus is on the proliferation of world-standard communication and infocommunication solutions most beneficial to Hungarian businesses and customised to individual needs as much as possible. In today's economic environment it's essential for companies to use the most up-to-date services that offer the best value for money, irrespectively of the size of the business. Undoubtedly, Invitel is the most suitable partner for this today" - commented Imre Mártha of his appointment. Mr. Mártha graduated in from the University of Cambridge in the UK, where he studied thanks to a full scholarship awarded by the UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University. At the end of the 90's he worked at Westdeutsche Landesbank in the field of investment banking. His energy industry career started in London at the European subsidiary of the American giant Enron. Later, in 2001 he was appointed Managing Director for Energy Assets at the Hungarian State Privatisation and Asset Management Agency. He served under four subsequent governments at Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt. climbing the hierarchy as Commercial Director, Deputy CEO and finally CEO. At MVM he gained wide-ranging telecommunication industry expertise due to the Company's extensive telco interests. During the last almost two years he was CEO of ELMIB Zrt. a Hungarian privately owned energy utility group. About Invitel Invitel is one of the leading service providers in the Hungarian telecommunications market, offering a broad portfolio of services for residential and business customers. Our residential products include a variety of multimedia and entertainment services such as interactive, digital and High Definition television, fast internet offerings and telephony services. Our business solutions include the most up-to-date ICT and cloud-based IT solutions, in addition to voice and data services, all using Invitel's nationwide fiber-optic backbone network. Invitel is headquartered in Budaörs, with customer touchpoints throughout Hungary. ![]() ![]()
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