SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Community garden in the school – Telekom announces a competition for ...
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Magyar Telekom: Community garden in the school – Telekom announces a competition for state owned elementary schools in Budapest
Országos | 2013-03-12 16:46 | Magyar Telekom
Recruitment of elementary schools was started for the Telekom Vivicitta City Run and simultaneously Magyar Telekom announces a competition for schools participating at the run to create a community garden. Recruitment of elementary schools was started for the Telekom Vivicitta City Run and simultaneously Magyar Telekom announces a competition for schools participating at the run to create a community garden, within the frame of the hello holnap! program. The objective of the competition is that people can get familiar with self-sustainability and hence the of concept sustainable approach. There were urban kitchen-gardens in Hungary even in the last century, however the changing lifestyle of consumer society gradually made them disappear - with the exception of a few strong and well operating small communities. This kind of community action gained new impetus in past years, there are numerous public garden organizations operating and flourishing in Hungary, going beyond self-sustainability, benefiting community life - including the community garden in the Budapest Millenáris, also bearing the support of Telekom. Continuing this aspiration and setting a good example, now Telekom intends to help children to understand sustainability through a competition, as the company donates a community garden to each winning elementary school. Participation at the competition is conditioned upon the school attending the Telekom Vivicitta running competition in Budapest, owning an at least 60 square meter area suitable for gardening as well as the enthused and responsible thinking that guarantees the long term existence of the garden. In the frame of the competition the company - by assigning the Contemporary Architectural Centre, including planning, soil preparation, providing gardening tools and expertise - also offers assistance in implementation. Members of the Sustainability Media Club support the schools by attending the Telekom Vivicitta City Run: winning schools get one plant after each kilometer the members run. ![]() ![]()
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