SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Cassidian to cooperate with Russian company Telum on public safety communic...
Cassidian: Cassidian to cooperate with Russian company Telum on public safety communications
Külföld | 2013-02-27 11:05 | Cassidian
Funding for this project is being provided by Russia's Skolkovo high-technology hub, Cassidian and the EADS Innovation Nursery, the Innovation Pipeline at EADS. Cassidian has signed an agreement with the Russian company Telum, a spinoff of the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems, to collaborate on the development of various long-term evolution (LTE) equipment for public safety and disaster relief operations. Funding for this project is being provided by Russia's Skolkovo high-technology hub, Cassidian and the EADS Innovation Nursery, the Innovation Pipeline at EADS. Whereas Telum is developing an innovative low/medium-power base station demonstrator with an LTE SON (Long Term Evolution Self-Organizing Network), technology that allows public operators to simply and rapidly build up network capacity, Cassidian and Telum will cooperate to produce a prototype pedestrian device offering broadband capabilities to pedestrian users of public safety networks. Using the knowledge gained from developing the low/medium-power cellular base station (femtocell), Cassidian and Telum will then cooperate in a second step to produce a prototype of a femtocell, which offers the possibility of providing backhaul to public safety broadband networks in order to improve the coverage and capacity offered to end users locally. Established in 2010, Telum is a diversified wireless communications research and development centre. Its services cover the full wireless network hardware and software design and development cycle, from the requirements analysis and system design to hardware prototype manufacturing and testing. ![]() ![]()
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