SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Hungarian companies acting responsibly can apply for the DOLPHIN Award
Magyar Telekom: Hungarian companies acting responsibly can apply for the DOLPHIN Award
Országos | 2013-02-25 15:07 | Magyar Telekom
Following traditions, Magyar Telekom awards entities excelling in the field of sustainability also this year. Magyar Telekom has been engaged with environmental issues related to its operation since 1996, and was the first Hungarian company in 2002 to establish an organisation integrating the environmental, as well as the other two dimensions of sustainability (society and economy) that coordinates the responsible operation processes and sustainability aspirations of the company. The company first releases its environmental report ten years ago, followed by the sustainability reports later, hosting the ever more popular Sustainability Days for six years, the company's achievements are widely appreciated and recognised, also internationally. This professional heritage and commitment manifested in the DOLPHIN Award in 2008, which was meant to both recognise and promote the responsible attitude of Telekom's suppliers. The initiative proved to be successful as the number of applicants increased continuously in past years - so far 21 companies were awarded for their implemented projects that are exemplary in terms of paradigm change, and increasing both operational and environmental efficiency. In 2013 the company invites applications publicly - not limited to its own suppliers, but allowing any Hungarian enterprise to enter. Companies can apply in four categories, by entering projects already implemented in 2012 or ongoing programs: innovation for sustainability, equality of chances, climate protection related investments, development as well as training, education promoting sustainability. The deadline for entering applications: May 10, 2013 - 12 p.m. Members of the jury evaluating applications include Dr. György Pataki, docent of the Budapest Corvinus University, Ernő Simon journalist, Péter Bodó representing the association of Conscientious Shoppers and Katalin Szomolányi, head of Magyar Telekom's sustainability center.
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