SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | 72% of Discop Africa 2013 exhibits already booked
DISCOP: 72% of Discop Africa 2013 exhibits already booked
Külföld | 2013-02-15 09:46 | DISCOP
The Los Angeles-based DISCOP Organization announced record breaking pre-bookings for the next edition of the DISCOP AFRICA TV content market and co-production forum. The Los Angeles-based DISCOP Organization announced record breaking pre-bookings for the next edition of the DISCOP AFRICA TV content market and co-production forum, which will take place from 6 to 8 November 2013 at the SANDTON CONVENTION CENTER in Johannesburg. An expanded floor plan is set to welcome more than 250 exhibiting international distributors and a large contingent of national umbrella organizations representing South Africa, France, the United States, Turkey, Kenya, China, Nigeria, Brazil and the UK. "The content distribution and production business in Africa will dominate headlines in 2013. Last year's exhibitors are all back and we already have an important list of newcomers from Africa and overseas looking to make a big splash in Johannesburg," said Patrick Zuchowicki, General Manager of The DISCOP Organization. He added, "Our initial research shows that we are expecting a 50% increase in the number of content buyers attending DISCOP AFRICA representing African TV channels, Pay-TV services and other distribution platforms." The 2013 conference program - which will run alongside the three-day content market and co-production forum - will center on news, sports and musical content production and distribution. Other highlights will include the 2nd edition of the FORMATS FROM AFRICA pitching competition designed to help African producers create formats with cross-border appeal and successfully export them and the 1st edition of FESTIVALS FROM AFRICA, a screening event showcasing home-grown films and documentaries which have received top awards at African festivals. ![]() ![]()
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