SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Donation line in January and February
Magyar Telekom: Donation line in January and February
Országos | 2013-01-25 12:25 | Magyar Telekom
People calling the hello holnap! donation line in January and February 2013 help the Magic Lamp Foundation, fulfilling the most secret wishes of ill children. Each year, the objective of the Magic Lamp (Csodalámpa) Foundation is to fulfil 240-260 wishes of children aged 3-18, suffering in illnesses posing a risk to their lives. Actions taken by the Foundation are not about illness, limitations, pain or inability - much rather about hope, willpower, life and possibilities. In the experiences of doctors treating "Magic lamp"children, granting these wishes may also be an important tool within their psycho-social rehabilitation, as new experiences and fulfilled desires help increasing the children's self confidence, strengthen their trust in themselves and and the adults, and all these increases their healing chances. Since the establishment of the Magic Lamp Foundation 10 years ago almost 2 thousand wishes were fulfilled, ranging from flying to getting different objects from puppets to computers or to the GREAT meetings - in the most versatile ways. The foundation provides no monetary support whatsoever, the charity action is therefore always visible and controllable on their website. Running the foundation though needs every 100 HUF the callers can contribute. The hello holnap ! donation line's number is 13688 - live from January 1, 2013. This number can be called both from the land and mobile networks of Magyar Telekom. The fee for a call or sending an SMS text message is HUF 100, exempt from VAT and is fully transferred to the beneficiary organisation (except for calls initiated with Domino prepaid card, where the 27% VAT is deducted). The fee of calls received between January 1 and February 28, 2013 will be transferred fully to the Magic Lamp Foundation, as donation of the callers. Call charges of calls initiated from the 25 donation telephone booths located all around the country - in operation since December last year - is transferred to the Magic Lamp Foundation in January and February.
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