SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Global insight tool dedicated to Metropolitans goes live

Metro International: Global insight tool dedicated to Metropolitans goes live
Külföld | 2011-07-21 | Metro International

Metro International re-positions its online research panel into the "Metropolitan Panel" to reach a broader urban audience and open up recruitment channels.

Metro International S.A. ("Metro"), the world's largest global newspaper group, today announced the launch of the "Metropolitan Panel" - its global online research panel dedicated to investigate the psychographic attributes, mindset and lifestyle of the Metropolitan target audience globally.

Metropolitans are youthful, active, affluent and connected people, working or studying in the most exciting metropolis around the world. They share a similar urban lifestyle, attitudes and values and set the trends of the future.

Launched in 2005, the panel previously known as "Metro Life Panel" was focused on Metro readers and recruited members on Metro media properties. Broadening the scope of its proprietary research tool from readers to Metropolitans, opens up the opportunity to diversify recruitment channels and expand geographically through partnerships with other urban brands and media channels.

The new urban brand positioning aims to make the panelist's experience more engaging and to keep up response rates.

Eduarda Taveira, Head of Consumer Insight, Metro International commented: "The launch of the Metropolitan Panel opens up the opportunity for other media to partner with us and build the best global urban panel on the market. Our goal is to become industry experts on the metropolitan mindset for the benefit of our readers and clients. The Metropolitan Panel will help us accomplish this."

Wilf Maunoir, Global Research Director, Metro International added: "Following the release of our first Metropolitan Report earlier this year, the repositioning of our panel is a further proof of Metro's deep commitment to cities and Metropolitans."

The panel is now present in 14 countries; Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sweden and the USA.

As part of the ongoing efforts to maintain high engagement, the panel was migrated last year to Sparq(TM), the world's leading community panel platform by Vision Critical, the global market research and technology firm. The Metropolitan Panel follows guidelines and standards set by ESOMAR, the international organization promoting high technical standards and professional conduct within the market research industry.


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