SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Digital Media Europe: One Event for All Things Digital
WAN-IFRA/Digital Media Europe: Digital Media Europe: One Event for All Things Digital
Külföld | 2011-01-19 | WAN-IFRA/Digital Media Europe
The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has combined two of its major digital media conferences into one new event Digital Media Europe which will be held in London on 11 to 13 April next. The new event, which will include a Digital Trend Day, a Mobile Media Day and an iPad and Tablet Day, is the successor to WAN-IFRA's long-time digital events, Beyond the Printed Word and Mobile Media Day. "As the media industry evolves, so does the need for new events to keep abreast of developments," said Stig Nordqvist, Executive Director, Emerging Digital Platforms for WAN-IFRA, who will chair the conference. "The issue today for news publishers is how best to exploit all platforms, and to seize emerging opportunities. Our new event is focused on exactly that." Digital Media Europe will allow participants to discuss and exchange ideas with their peers in the industry on how to create business on new platforms: online, mobile and tablets. The three conference days can be booked individually or as a package. Digital Trend Day, on 11 April, will examine future business models, sponsoring and advertising opportunities, online video, and the possibilities for monetising social media. Mobile Media Day, on 12 April, will focus on the new business of applications (news apps, service apps, fun apps), on enriched services like maps and location-based offerings, and on working with both old and new operating systems (iOS, Android as well as wap and SMS). iPad and Tablet Day, on 13 April, will be dedicated to product development for tablets, case studies, strategy and pricing, and analysing and understanding user needs. For the evolving conference programme, registration and other information, please consult http://www.wan-ifra.org/dme WAN-IFRA, based in Paris, France, and Darmstadt, Germany, with subsidiaries in Singapore, India, Spain, France and Sweden, is the global organisation of the world¹s newspapers and news publishers. It represents more than 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries. The organisation was created by the merger of the World Association of Newspapers and IFRA, the research and service organisation for the news publishing industry.
Internet |
Légi ipar |
Gazdasági Jog |
Karrier |
Gyógyszeripar |
Hirdető/márka |
Ügynökség |
Kutatás |
Mobil |
E-biznisz |
Kereskedelem |
Logisztika |
DM/Promóció |
Design |
Rendezvény |
Felelősség |
PR |
Pénzügy |
Konferencia |
Kultúra |
Oktatás |
Pályázati projekt |
Üzlet |
Környezet |
Támogatás |
Digitalizáció |
Energia |
Technológia |
Statisztika |
Építőipar |
Élelmiszeripar |
Mezőgazdaság |
Ingatlan |
Egyéb |
Outdoor/indoor |
Idegenforgalom |
Szponzoráció |
Média |
Járműipar |
Tőzsde |
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